Happy Thursday!!
I have always considered myself an adventurous eater but one thing I had never tried before was moose. Honestly, I didn't even realize people ate moose until I met someone from Alaska! One of our good friends in Nashville is originally from Alaska and because of her I have tried moose...and it was actually really good!
For my first moose tasting experience I got to try moose three different ways - tenderloin, steak and burger.
Moose tastes very similar to beef and bison. I honestly would not have known I was eating moose if they didn't tell me. Moose has less fat than regular beef steak so you don't have to cook it as long. Also, since its so similar to beef and bison you can season/marinade it the same way.
Moose Steaks:
We had a sour cream/horseradish dipping sauce with our steaks.
Moose Tenderloin:
The inside of the tenderloin was coated with mustard and dry seasonings.
The inside of the tenderloin was coated with mustard and dry seasonings.
My friend's dad hunted the moose himself - sniffle, tear, sniffle - and brought some of the meat with him on his last visit to Nashville. I am not a hunter myself and I did not grow up in a hunting family (shocking - I bet you thought everyone from Georgia hunts) so anytime I hear about people hunting it kind of makes me sad. I don't know why though - I'm not a vegetarian or anything - I just don't like to think about where my meat comes from I guess. Anyways....can you imagine how manly you would feel after hunting a moose? I mean moose are ginormous - I think this one weighed 200 lbs. Plus it's pretty awesome to think that one moose can feed a family for months. That kind of makes hunting alright :).
All in all I would definitely recommend moose to anyone! I don't think you'll find it at your local Krogers but if you are ever in Alaska you've got to try this!
All in all I would definitely recommend moose to anyone! I don't think you'll find it at your local Krogers but if you are ever in Alaska you've got to try this!
Have you ever gone hunting? Whats your favorite type of game?
1 comment:
Oh my gosh, I've never had moose but I'd definitely try it!!
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