
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Last Minute Thanksgiving Table-scape

Turkey day is tomorrow, are you ready?
 I was asked to bring flowers to my Grandparents for our Thanksgiving celebration today.  I thought it would be fun to use my fall pumpkins as the vase.  I stopped by my local Publix and picked up a variety of flowers: lilies, mums, and sunflowers - they had a great deal going on, 3 bundles for $12.
To make your pumpkin flower vase, follow our tutorial here

This time I used much smaller pumpkins, but the directions are essentially the same.
I wanted the flowers to sit low so that you can see the person on the other side of the table.  I drilled 8 smaller holes around the larger middle hole - this allowed me to stick in single flowers and hide the edge of the pumpkin.   

Make sure you arrange your flowers from all sides. 
 Set the table with a contemporary table runner and add candles for ambiance.
And there you go, a fall inspired table-scape!
Enjoy the holiday with your family!
Who is waking up early for Black Friday sales?
I'll be sleeping in on Friday and taking it easy.  I might even get out the Christmas decorations ;)

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  1. Gorgeous, cheerful and creative (hmmm...just like the authors of the blog)!

  2. These are gorgeous!! Great idea! Thanks for sharing the how-to!

  3. These are beautiful! I love the smaller ones together - you can actually see the person across the table. And I love that table runner. Amazing…

    Thanks for joining Dare to DIY!

  4. This looks really great. The table runner is awesome!

  5. Very pretty! Love the colors. Thanks for joining the Dare to DIY!

    1. I love sunflowers year round :) Thanks for hosting Dare to DIY!

  6. These are SO cute!! I love them!


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