
Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patty's Day Wreath

Happy Friday!
I am so looking forward to a weekend of rest & relaxation!  Tonight I am going to a birthday party for my sorority sister's husband, tomorrow I have massage & facial planned, then Sunday a yoga class with my old roomie.    It will be a great weekend to re-charge!  And the weather is supposed to be gorgeous in Atlanta (mid 70's), so I might even make it to the pool! :)

And we can't forget about St. Patty's Day this Sunday! Are you doing anything to celebrate?
Last Sunday, Julia and I ran the Shamrock N Roll Race in Atlantic Station.   The race was sponsored by the Junior League of Atlanta, they offered a 1 mile fun run, 5k (with strollers & dogs), and 10k.  We did the 5k and Julia brought Lilly!  The course wrapped around Atlantic Station & Ikea.  I personally really liked the course, it was fairly flat and pretty quick.  It was my fastest 5k to date!

What do you think of our St. Patty's tutus?!? Lilly even had one :)
I also painted us tanks with shamrocks on the front and "Team Lucky" spelled out on the back.

One word of advice: Don't plan an 8am race the same day as Daylight Savings Time :( 
It was an early morning for all of us!!
Remember that coffee filter wreath I made for Chistmas a couple years ago?  We'll it's back for another holiday!!   I also use it as the base for me Valentine's wreath this year.

I just removed all the Valentine's decorations and added leftover toile from our Running Tutus.  The toile is just tucked in between the coffee filters.  I also tied a big toile bow on the top!

The wreath is simple but adds some pizzazz to the front door! 
Do you have any St. Patty's decorations out?  Or have you already moved onto Easter??

Dear Creatives

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