
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sugar Cookie Recipe

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is baking sugar cookies.   This sugar cookie recipe is a family recipe that was passed down to my family over 10 years ago by one of our mother's sweet friends...and it is absolutely delicious.  I can still remember the day Elizabeth and I learned the recipe.  One Saturday in December while we were in high school we went over to my mom's friend's house and spent the entire day baking and decorating sugar cookies.  It is such a great memory and I cannot wait to share this recipe with you so you can make your own memories!
 Sugar Cookie Ingredients:
 1 cup butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cream of tarter
1/2 tsp nutmeg
3 1/2 cups flour
Step 1: Cream butter and sugar
Step 2: Add eggs one at a time
Step 3: Add vanilla
Step: Add dry ingredients
Step 5: Divide into two portions, plastic wrap and chill in freezer for 2 hours or overnight in refrigerator
Step 6: Roll out and cut cookies
Step 7: Bake on greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 8-10minutes (until lightly brown on the edges)
Allow the cookies to completely cool before frosting.
Frosting Ingredients:
1/2 cup margarine
1 lb powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup milk
Step 1: Mix together margarine, sugar and vanilla
Step 2: Slowly add milk beating well until spreading consistency (you may not need all of the milk)
Step 3: Dye with food coloring as desired
Step 4: Decorate cookies once they are cooled
Quick Tip:  Decorate the cookies in a tupperware container.  That way when your helper pours out the entire container of sprinkles on one cookie you can reuse the sprinkles :)
This year I had some help baking and decorating the cookies! My Mom's good friend Judy had her granddaughter, Somi (2 yrs. old),  over one afternoon and she was the best helper ever! It was so exciting to see how much fun she had making these cookies! 


Thank you Sarah for sharing this recipe with us!! We will always remember you when we bake these!

Heirloom Recipe Collection Party
Weekend Bloggy Reading
Dear Creatives


  1. Oooh - yum. these cookies look scrumptious - thanks for sharing the tute with us all. Heres wishing you the happiest of holidays.

    thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    one crafty mess

    1. Trust me - these are the best sugar cookies ever!!! Merry Christmas Tina!

  2. What a fun idea! I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me to have my two-year-old decorate cookies yet this year. Thanks so much for linking up to the party today!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

    1. I usually end up decorating these myself but it is way more fun with little kids!!

  3. Sweet Ms. Sarah! She always had the BEST sugar cookies!

    1. I'm so thankful that she shared this recipe with us. They really are the best sugar cookies :)

  4. I love sprinkles! Thanks so much for linking up to the Heirloom Recipe Linky Party!

    1. Sprinkles are definitely the best part!! Thanks for hosting such a great link party!

  5. Wow, this is pretty interesting. Inspiring, as well. Thanks for sharing such inspiring experience with us. Great blog, congrats.!
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