
Monday, December 10, 2012

DIY Christmas Card Holder

Happy Monday! How was your weekend?
This weekend the BF and I finally bought and decorated our Christmas tree!  The apartment smells like the Holidays now :)  On Saturday we drove up to Highlands, NC for some R&R.  We stopped by Goats on a Roof on our drive up, it was hilarious!  There are about 8 goats living on a roof.  You can feed them for $0.50, you get an ice cream cone full of pellets.  They were so happy to be fed.  We also stopped by some waterfalls in North Carolina on the Scenic Bypass between Franklin and Highlands.  We saw the Dry Falls (falls you can walk behind without getting wet) and the Bridal Veil Falls (falls you can drive behind).  We finally arrived to Old Edwards Inn and enjoyed touring the quaint town, a delicious dinner at Madison's and live music at Hummingbird Lounge - I wish we could have stayed an extra night!! 
So back to decorating for Christmas ;) 
I wanted a fun way to display our Christmas cards this year, something you would notice when you walk in the front door.  And since my kitchen is the first thing you see, I figured the pantry door would be perfect! 
What you'll need:
Thick ribbon - 3 to 4 inches wide
Packing Tape
Clothes Pins
Glue Gun or Sewing Machine

Pick out your ribbon.  I bought mine a Michael's, the red & green roll was originally marked at $9.99 but was on sale for $3.99.  The red velvet ribbon is leftover from last Christmas.  I used 2 ribbons because my red & lime green ribbon is see through on the red part.  I backed it with red ribbon so it would really pop.

Measure your door and leave 4 inches of over hang.
Now, either hot glue or sew together the 2 ribbons.

Pull the ribbon tight on your door and secure with packing tape on the backside of the door (something that won't mess up the paint).  Do the same thing on the bottom.
I also added 3 pieces of tape along the front of the door so that the ribbon wouldn't pucker.
Attach your Holiday cards with clothes pins.  I bought a pack of 24 at Michael's for $2.99.
Originally I had planned to paint the clothes pins in red & green with polka dots. But the BF convinced me to leave them plain. And guess what, I really like how it turned out! Sometimes less is more ;)
Now start filling your ribbon with Christmas cards from family & friends.
Do you send out a Christmas card?


Skip To My Lou
Christmas craft


  1. I like the pics from your trip--gorgeous purple shirt! the Christmas card holder looks great!

    1. The shirt is from Old Navy - seriously one of me fave stores ;)

  2. so simple and cute and a great way to display your cards!

    1. Agreed! That's always my problem...we get so many cards and I never have enough room for them. My husband actually hung wires in our house but this is much cuter!

    2. Thanks ladies! I love displaying Christmas cards :)

  3. so simple and so effective! love it! Thank you so much for linking up to our party!!


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