
Friday, December 14, 2012

High Five for Friday's finally Friday!!! Only one more full week until Christmas...eek!  I can't believe it's almost here.  Yesterday I completed all of my Christmas shopping, I think - hopefully I didn't forget anything.  This year for Christmas my family is doing dirty Santa instead of individual gifts.  The best part of doing Christmas this way is that I only have to get big gift.  The bad part of doing Christmas this way is that I have to find a gender neutral gift that everyone will want and will fight over.  Luckily I think I found the perfect gift - if anything I'm willing to fight for it...hehe.
My favorite part of Christmas and December are all of the goodies.  I can't go a day without any some kind of dessert.   Usually my family makes the same desserts every year but this year I've found some new recipes on Pinterest that I really want to try.
Check them out:
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Do you see a theme?!?!  I love peppermint and chocolate - is it obvious!!!
I hope you have a great weekend!!


  1. Hey! Wow...those goodies look amazing! I just love the holidays, it seems everyone pulls out the most impressive recipes for Christmas! Happy Holidays & Have a great weekend!

    -Chelsee @ Southern Beauty Guide

  2. Mmm - peppermint. I haven't always been a fan, but these last few years I've started to really love it.


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