
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DIY Christmas Cookie Tin

Every Christmas I make cookies for my peers at work.  I almost always make our Chocolate Crackle cookies with pecans - they seem to be a huge crowd pleaser.
You may or may not know, but I love TJ's chai tea mix.  I drink a warm cup every morning.  One day I noticed that the chai tea container would be the perfect container for Christmas cookies.  So I started saving them - it probably took me 3 months to collect 8.  Yes - I was thinking about Christmas back in September ;)
To start, drink a lot of chai tea.  Next tear off the label and rinse out the container.  These containers are a thick cardboard, so I couldn't put them in the dishwasher, I had to hand wash them.  Allow to completely dry.
I covered the tins with scrapbooking paper.  Measure the width and diameter of your tin and cut the paper to fit.
Modge Podge the paper on to the tin. 
The paper I used was a little thick.  So to keep it in place while it dried, I wrapped hair ties around the tin on top of the paper. 

The paper I used was not wide enough in diameter, there was an inch gap.
I just cut another piece of scrapbook paper to size (and used fancy scissors) then Modge Podged it on.

Allow the Modge Podge to set for a day.  And remove the hair ties.
I made stickers for each tin using PicMonkey.  Center the stickers and stick on.  

Now fill your tins with cookies, each tin fit about 5 cookies.

Give out to friends and family!
What is your favorite holiday gift to give to peers?

Accidently Wonderful
The Fun In Functional @ Practically Functional


  1. Oh, this is a cute idea. I happen to be having a sweets recipe swap I just posted it today if you want to add in or link to your favorite holiday dessert recipes @ Bravo for thinking ahead, not me this year I am actually behind. lol

    1. You still have a few days until Christmas, good luck getting everything done :)

      We've linked up our Sugar Cookie recipe - thanks for the invite!

  2. Such a great idea! I love recycling items to become useful again! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! I think the cookie tins were a huge hit in the office ;)

  3. What a great idea! Especially since I, too, am a TJ chai lover :) Pinning for 2013!!

    1. Have you tried TJ's Salted Caramel chai tea? So good! Merry Christmas!


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