
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Morning Rolls

Today I am going to share with you my family's favorite breakfast item....Christmas Morning Rolls.  We used to only eat these on Christmas Morning (hence the name) but now we make them for any special occasion so their name is always changing.  Sometimes they're Birthday Morning Rolls, Easter Morning Rolls, or just Friday Morning Rolls - I'm always trying to think of a reason to make them.  Today we can call them "Leap Day Morning Rolls"!

Thank you Gram for sharing this recipe with my family!!!!  
I think the best recipes are those that are passed down.  Gram was a family friend but I will always consider her family.  She was known for her homemade biscuits, spicy cheerio chex mix and of course these rolls.  Her personality can be summed up by a single cheer, "Rocky Top!"

Morning Rolls

6oz package of yeast dinner rolls (around 24 rolls)
3 3/4oz package Butterscotch Pudding Mix (NOT instant)
1/2 cup of butter
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped nuts

Step 1: Arrange frozen rolls in a greased bundt pan

Step 2: Sprinkle dry pudding mix over rolls.
Step 3: Cook brown sugar, butter, cinnamon over low heat until sugar disolves.

Step 4: Add in nuts (I used pecans)

Step 5: Pour mixture over rolls.

Step 6: Cover bundt pan tightly with foil and let stand on countertop overnight. 
Step 7: Next morning bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Step 8: Let stand for 5 minutes and then transfer to platter.

Here's the finished product - doesn't it look delicious!

What's your favorite family recipe?



  1. Thanks for posting this, Julia! My Gram was a wonderful Southern cook, wasn't she!

  2. Your Gram was an amazing cook and an amazing woman! I'm so glad she shared this recipe with me!


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