
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Book Club


I love to read and I love to hang out with friends, so the perfect combo is Book Club!  A few years ago, a friend of mine invited me to join Book Club - the group consists of old friends, college friends, and friends of friends.  Our group is not always serious about the book and sometimes I don't get a chance to read it, but I think this is why we have been so successful.  For me its a chance to read a wide variety books and then meet up with my friends once a month.  Whomever is hosting provides all the yummy snacks and everyone else brings a bottle of wine.

Past Books we have read: Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman; The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy; The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls; Holidays On Ice by David Sedaris; The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson; MiddleSex by Jeffrey Eugenides; Heaven Is For Real; Water For Elephants; The Bean Tree by Barbara Kingsolver; The Help; Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart

Currently we are reading the Hunger Games trilogy.  I have really enjoyed all the books, eventhough they are dark.  The idea of children playing to the death is quite disturbing.  Luckily the author does not go into terribly grapic details and there's love stories mixed in.  I'm on Team Gale!

My book club is meeting tonight and I have 80 pages left of Mockingjay - fingers crossed that I finish in time!

What types of books do you enjoy reading?
Do you participate in an "organized" book club?


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh I LOVED the Hunger Games!! A few of us tried to start up a book club and never got serious enough about it to actually see it through. It sounds like y'all do a great job of getting together!


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