
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Goodwill Find!

I finally found something great and cheap at Goodwill...yay (and yes I am doing a happy dance)! 

I am constantly reading about other bloggers finding great pieces of furniture at thrift stores for dirt cheap and I have been so envious!  I have been unable to find anything that is in decent condition or isn't an outrageous price (I mean it's a thrift store so I definitely want something that's pretty much free).

The other week I found these AWESOME end tables at Goodwill.  I wasn't exactly sure where I would put them in my house but I knew I couldn't leave without them. 

Seriously...I really need an SUV!  But it is amazing what I've been able to cram in the back seat of my Accord.

Yep, you're reading that price tag correctly...only $12.99 each

I know I want to paint the end tables since they're in rough condition.  And I'm pretty sure they will go in my living room (which is a work in project).  The big question is: what color should I paint them?  The living room has tan walls and opens up to the dining room.  Currently, there are two plaid sofas in there along with other hammy downs from our family - basically this is the room where furniture goes to die. But I'm hoping to change that soon!  I already have a seafoam sectional picked out (notice I said picked out...hopefully it will be all mine one day) so I'm thinking metallic or grey end tables would look great in there!

Here are my inspiration pieces:

What do you think?  Which finish do you like the best?


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