
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Full got it dude!

I hope everyone had a great time with their honey last night.  The hubs and I made creamy shrimp and mushroom pasta .... it was delicious!!

Speaking of good food - we got to enjoy some great food and even better company this weekend.  My husband's step mom and her husband came to visit along with 15 other family members - it had been 2 years since we had seen his step mom so everyone jumped at the chance to see her. 

Here are some pics of the weekend!

We enjoyed AMAZING barbeque at Hog Heaven on Friday.

Then we went bowling - next time I might need the bummers...I think my average of three games was 68 :)

Saturday we had a house full - 19 people total.  It was a great time!  The kids had their own area and the adults stayed in the den by the fire to catch up.

We had tons of food!  We had burgers, broccoli salad, baked beans, chips, mac n cheese, cookies and oreo balls!

We felt so blessed this weekend and are so fortunate to have such an amazing family!! Thank you everyone for coming to visit!  I'm glad to know that our house can handle 19 people!


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