
Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Five: Silhouette Projects

Happy Friday!!

We recently purchased a Silhouette Cameo and have loved it ever since.  Seriously, it was one of the best purchases we've made in a long time.  So far we've made holiday banners, covered items in vinyl and  created gift tags.  We have definitely learned a lot along the's never as easy as we think it's going to be.  There's a lot of trial and error when completing a project for the first time.  But after that it's easy breazy :)

Although we have already done a lot with our Silhouette there are still tons of projects that we are dying to try.  Here are a few of them:

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Isn't this adorable!!!  I will definitely be making one of these for one of my pregnant friends...first we have to figure out which one is having a boy :)

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These are so cute!! The frosted glass vinyl we have will be perfect for this glass.  And I have to find my Mr. first...hehe.

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I love any project that involves my dog Lilly!  Now I just have to get her to sit still long enough so I can take a picture of her from the side....she always wants to look at me when I take her picture.

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Chalkboards are all the craze.  I love this one because it uses vinyl instead of paint.  So when you get sick of the chalkboard you can remove easily and quickly.

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I love my Kitchen Aid mixer and this is a great way to turn it into a piece of art!  Plus you can add different colored vinyl to it depending on your decor - which is always changing in my house.

Have you jumped on the Silhouette bandwagon?  What are your favorite projects to create with it?

Have a great weekend!!

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