
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Eating the right types of food is so important for a good run!  I typically go for a run after work when I've had a chance to fuel my body all day long.  During a typical day I eat: chai tea, oatmeal, banana, turkey sandwich, green apple and plenty of water.  For me timing is everything, if I eat to close to a run, then I'll cramp up. 

Race days are a completely different story.  I wake up early for a race and have not had an entire day to fuel.  What works for me is 1 cup of coffee (with sugar and a tiny splash of milk) and 1/2 a banana.  I try to have breakfast at least 1 hr before my run.  

This past weekend I tried eating a Luna bar before my Sunday run.  I had the Nuts 'n Cranberry bar - it tasted really good.  However, after waiting over 1 hour to go for run after eating the bar, I still could feel it in my tummy as I ran.  I was not happy :-(  Everyone's body is different and the fact that it didn't agree with me might have more to do with the 4 glasses of wine I had the night before!

Speaking of bars: I love Larabars!! I am so excited to check out the expo on Friday and hopefully score some free samples!!

How do you fuel your body?


1 comment:

  1. I fuel my body with a banana and oatmeal for breakfast. Turkey sandwich, veggies, and health chips (i.e. Pirate's Booty) for lunch and then a granola bar for a snack late afternoon. I drink tons of water all day long and usually sneak in a diet coke (I gotta have some caffeine).

    I think I'll have a banana and peanut butter before the race on Saturday...hopefully that will give me enough fuel!


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