
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

This year the BF and I are celebrating our 2nd Valentine's together, it's crazy how time flies!  Last year I made him dinner ~ chicken & dumplings.  So this year he is surprising me with a homemade meal.

Over the weekend we did some pretty fun things: we did Friday Happy Hour at SweetWater.  If you have never been, you must go!  For $10 you get a SW beer glass and 6 drinks tickets (each ticket gets you about 3/4 glass of beer).  Or you can do what I do and get the "driver's glass" - a small punch cup and you get 6 refills.

After happy hour we headed over the Park Tavern for Yacht Rock's valentine concert.  YR is a smoothe rock band that plays covers from the 70's & 80's.  I didn't know as many songs this time, but it was still a ton of fun to dance with the BF. 

Saturday I made the BF breakfast ~ biscuits and sausage gravey!  The gravey was incredibly easy to make, just cook the sausage, add 2 tablespoons of flour, let it dissolve, then add 1 cup of milk and simmer. 

I added some of Emmalea's Apple Butter to my biscuit and it was delicious.  The apple butter had a strong cinnamon flavor and reminded me of apple pie.

Later that day the BF and I enjoyed a couple's massage at Natural Body.  I found it to be very relaxing and enjoyable.  However, I don't know if the BF was 100% sold.  He told me he would have preferred to be on the beach while having the massage ~ I'll keep that in mind next time ;-)

Enjoy your Valentine's!  Stop to smell the roses and eat some candy!



  1. Thanks for your comment, Elizabeth! Scott's is definitely worth checking out... I'm trying to convince LBT that a April/May trip is worth coming for. If it happens, we'll be sure to let you know!

    Hope to see you soon! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I agree!! Please keep me posted.

    I hope you have a great Valentine's Day :-)


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