
Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinco de Mayo | Stache Dash

Good morning! How was your weekend?  If you're in Atlanta then you know it rained non-stop all weekend, except for a few hours of blue skies yesterday.  This was a huge bummber considering my plans took place outside  :(

Saturday morning we did the One Love Stache Dash hosted by one of my fave mexican restaurants in Atlanta, Tin Lizzy's!  It was a 5k race around  Buckhead, then a Cinco de Mayo block party.  But man was it wet! 

We made cute mustache & sunglass shirts using Silhouette's HTV (tutorial here).  Aren't they cute?  Unfortunately they hid under our raincoats during the race.

We had a fun group of girls running the race together.  There were six of us and we all paired up well with someone else.  Lauren's husband was even our personal paparazzi!  You can check out all his pics here.

The race was a lot of fun!  But we were ready to dry off and get warm after.  The rest of our day was pretty lazy and consisted of movie watching, vacation planning and pedicures :)

Sunday I met up with Lauren (@PrettySouthern) for a mexican lunch at Tacos & Tequila.  I think I've eaten mexican the last 4 days in a row, ugh!  Then we headed over to her house for frozen margaritas, card games and relaxation in the hot tub.  It was a pretty nice Cinco de Mayo weekend!

Do you have any 5k races planned?


  1. I was there too! It was kinda gross running in the rain (I'm such a wuss) but not as bad as we thought it would be. We just kept telling ourselves, "margaritas, margaritas, margaritas...and queso!" :)

    1. Small world! I wanted to bail last minute b/c of all the rain, but I powered through ;) Margaritas & queso are always a great motivator!


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