
Friday, March 22, 2013

Taste Factor: Blogger Exclusive

Happy Friday everyone!  We have fun post for you today!
Remember that giveaway we mentioned a few weeks ago?!  Well today we can give you all the sweet information. 
 Southern Color was invited to a mix & mingle with the founders of Taste Factor.   We were joined by some other great local bloggers: Katherine at Buckhead Betty and Jewel at Eat Drink Shop Luv.
The scoop: Taste Factor is a monthly wine membership, think Birch Box meets Netflix.  Each month you receive 3 bottles of wine at the monthly membership price of $60.   You then rates those wine based on your taste.  Taste Factor has created a special algorithm that matches your tastes & preferences to certain types of wine. 
The first month you'll  receive a starter kit with a variety of wine.  You then rate those wines on a scale of 1 to 4 (4 being the best).  Taste Factor plugs your ratings into their algorithm, this is similar to what Netflix uses when they recommend movies for you.
Here's a fun video that explains how it works:

The next month they'll send you 3 more wines that should be closer to your taste.  Then you rate those and the cycle continues. 
It's a fun way to try new wines that you wouldn't normally consider.
From left to right: Katherine, Julia, me (Elizabeth), and Jewel.
Julia's first wine at the party was a chardonnay. Typically she is not a chardonnay drinker because of the oaky taste - however, she really enjoyed this one. It had been made in a steel barrel, not oak, so the taste was closer to a sauvignon blanc. Julia discovered a new wine!
Get excited!  The founders of Taste Factor have been nice enough to giveaway 1 month free to a Southern Color reader!  To be entered into this great prize, become a follower.  Once we reach 150 followers, we'll pick a winner*.
*  Must be 21 years old.  State alcohol laws apply.  
 For more information on Taste Factor, check out their website and this great article from Thrillist.


  1. I can't wait, I love trying new wine! Have a great day!

    1. Same here! The company has such a neat concept, I really hope it catches on quick with people! Happy Friday :)


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