
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Dreams Came True...well kinda

Several weeks ago one of my dreams came true!  I got to go to the mart!  I've always wanted to go shopping at the mart and score the amazing deals that everyone talks about.  I mean who wouldn't want to the chance to buy stuff at wholesale price.   So I kind of lied earlier - my dream only kind of came true.  I got to go to the mart but I didn't get to go shopping.  Instead I had the opportunity to help Mudpie set up there showroom.  I kind of think this was actually better than going to the mart because I got to see what happens behind the scenes.
So you're probably wondering, "How the heck did you get this job?"  Well my favorite sister in law (hehe - I only have one) is working for Mudpie as their visual merchandiser.  She is responsible for setting up their showrooms in Atlanta, Dallas and Las Vegas.  They needed some extra help in the Atlanta showroom so she inlisted me.  I got to put together 2 billion Ikea shelves, spray paint a sign, hang clothing, price merchandise and other super exciting tasks.    It wasn't the most exciting job I've ever had but it was fun and easy!
Here are some pictures of the showroom before it was complete:
I spent many hours at this table :)
I love all of the beach decor they have - now I just need a beach house!
I can't decide if I like the turquoise or coral stuff better - I guess I'll have to get it all!
Mudpie has a collegiate section - I had no idea!
The perfect accessories for a day at the beach!
I love their leather purses and bracelets!
The baby clothing is absolutely precious - too bad I don't have a baby :(
Don't you just love the burlap signs to announce your bab's arrival - just darlin!
If you're like me you have never heard of Mudpie but trust me their stuff is awesome!  They have everything you could ever want.  Most of their stuff is sold in boutiques but just the other day I saw one of their plates at TJ Maxx.   If you're wondering - this is not a paid endorsement.  I just wanted to show y'all some of their new stuff for 2013. 
Happy Tuesday!!


  1. OMSH! The mudpie stuff is too cute! I seriously need to get a hookup to get into the mart! I have never been, but have heard loads of great things:) Have a great day!!

    1. I know I still want to go back to the mart and go shopping...they have everything there!!

  2. I love all the coral and turquoise!! Would fit perfectly into my home decor :) I still have not been to the Mart, maybe one day?!

  3. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

    I LOVE Mudpie baby clothes! So cute!

    1. Thanks Kim!! The baby clothes are so stinkin cute!

  4. Im loving all the cuteness on the blog - I cant wait to read more - Im all over your DIY necklace baord!

    Stop by and say hello!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Clara! I love Elizabeth's necklace board too - maybe I can convince her to make me one :)


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