
Friday, January 11, 2013

High Five for Friday

1.  I want a pupppy, real bad!  The BF and I really want a Westie, I've been looking at rescue websites and the humane society but we haven't found the perfect one yet.  Let me know if you happen to have a Westie pup you would like to give me!??! ;)
{name} - {breed}
{name} - {breed}

SCOTTIE: Schnauzer, Dog; Chuckey, TN

2.  Datenight with the BF tonight! 
During the week we try to eat dinner at home each night, it saves us money plus its healthier.  So, on the weekends we like to treat ourselves.  Tonight we're thinking Seasons 52 - it's where we had our 1st date over 2 years ago and we have a gift card :)

*  This is a picture from the first night we met.  You can see why he fell for me ;) *
3.  New pants from Old Navy!
Tomato colored skinnies for $25

4.  Crazy nail colors
I'm ready for spring :)

5.  A yummy cocktail I must try!!
Pomegranate Champagne Punch from Carolina Charm

I hope y'all enjoy the weekend!

It's going to be 70 degress in Atlanta today, so I'm hoping to go for a run outside after work (if it's not raining).  And then it's time to start the weekend!  Julia and I will be working on a furniture refinish tomorrow, then giving a friend a room decorating consultation, then dinner with friends! Happy Friday :)



  1. Cute puppy pics! I have puppy fever SO bad, but we have to wait a few more months before we will have enough time for another one. Good luck finding your perfect pup!!

    1. Hopefully we'll find the perfect puppy! I definitely want to rescue a pup, so that might take a little longer. Your puppy Molly is so cute ~ maybe one day we can have puppy playdates. Happy Friday :)

  2. OMG I LOVE Westies! I have wanted one for like 10 years but am still waiting for the timing to be right ... And omg Lisa follows you too! She and I are IRL friends ha! :)

    1. I'm sure your life is hectic with wedding planning. I'll let you know if I find any Westie pups that need homes ;) Lisa's blog is too cute, just like yours. Happy Friday!


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