
Friday, December 21, 2012

High Five for Friday

1.  Book Club with the girls!
We read You Better Not Cry by Augustus Burroughs.

2.  The BF and I celebrated our 2 year dating anniversary the other week
These are the pretty flowers he got me :)

3.  Our first Silhouette project!
Adding frosted stars to the mirror above our parent's nativity scene.

4.  Early Christmas present from my parents.
A green statement necklace from the Nest - I love it!!

5.  The biggest Christmas tree I've ever seen!!!
It literally reminds me of the Griswold tree - "little full, lot of sap!"

Tonight I'm having the family over for homemade pizza, gingerbread cookie decorating and a Christmas movie.  My parents still haven't seen all my decorations, I guess that's what happens when you're out of town every weekend of December ;)

Sunday the Christmas fesitivities officially begin!  We'll start with lunch at my Grandparent's house, then drive over to the BF's Aunt & Uncle's to spend the night (his parents will be driving into town too) and then back home for Christmas Eve service then Christmas at my parents.

Wishing y'all a happy & safe Christmas! 
I hope you get to spend tons of time with the one's you love! 



  1. What a fun book club! I love all the pictures! I especially love the Christmas tree one!! So pretty!! Found you form H5FF! you can find me here

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We use the term "book club" loosely, but it's always fun to get together! Happy H54F!

  2. wow what beautiful flowers you received!! congrats on your anniversary and i love that broccoli tree so cute and perfect for a Christmas party

    1. He did good ;) The broccoli tree was so cute! Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by!

  3. those are cool silhouette stars! love your new green necklace!

    1. The star template was only $0.99 - great deal! And we love how they look!


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