
Monday, July 16, 2012

Scott's Antique Market and Cow Appreciation Day!

Happy Monday!
This weekend was so much fun -  I had my sister in town, we visited with friends, and celebrated my Mom's birthday (again)! 

On Friday we went to Scott's Antique Market.  We didn't buy anything, but we walked away with lots of inspiration.  A lot of the vendors were selling painted furniture and re-upholstered chairs.  If you have the patience and know-how, most of these pieces could easily by DIY'ed from pieces found at a garage sale or the thrift store. 

Scott's is split into 2 large warehouses, you can either drive or take a shuttle to the other warehouse.  Each one took a few hours to wander through, there's just so much stuff!  Luckily admission is $5 and that allows you entrance all weekend (Friday - Sunday) and parking is free. 

50 Shades of Grey furniture was really popular!  I love the transformation of an old piece into something new & modern just with a coat of paint and contemporary fabric.

After hours of antiquing, it was time for a nutritious and delicious lunch at Chickfila!  If you dressed in an entire cow suit you received a free meal and if you just wore a partial costume you received a free chicken sandwich. 

We were handed free samples of Oreo milkshakes when we walked in - they were yummy!

It was so much fun to spend time with my Mom and sister! 

How was your weekend??


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha i love the chickfila part! i was really intrigued by those pieces at the antique store! maybe i need to go hunting soon! :) that chair with the yellow birds is so pretty. nice 50 shades reference too. :) ooh and i have a new book for you: Gone Girl. Check it out!


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