
Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Faves: Nashville Grub

Happy Happy Friday!!!

This weekend my parents are coming up from Atlanta to visit the hubs and I.  I love having company because it gives us a reason to eat out and try new restaurants! 

Although we have lived in Nashville for two years there are still plenty of restaurants we want to try. 

Here are a couple:

The Pharmacy is a burger joint with an outdoor beer garden. 
I have had three seperate groups of people tell me to go it must be good!

The Local Taco has been on my list of places to try ever since we moved here!
They have several locations but I've been wanting to go to the one in Sylvan Park - it's a part of town that I haven't really explored yet!

I heard through the grapevine that a Seasons 52 in opening up in Brentwood soon and I couldn't be happier.  Elizabeth has been raving about the one in Atlanta for years!  The Seasons 52 menu is seasonally inspired and nothing on the menu is over 475 calories.

One of my favorite meals is hot chicken and it's no secret that Prince's Hot Chicken is the place to go in Nashville for hot chicken.  Sadly, I have not made it here yet - of course I always want to go on Sunday and they're closed on Sundays.  Why is it that I crave Chik-fil-A and Prince's on the one day I can't have it?

Monell's is one of the most popular meat and three restaurants in Nashville.  The food is served family style and is all you can eat!  They sit you at a farm table... its a long table that probably sits about 12 people.  If you don't come with a group expect to sit with other guests!

Hope you have a great weekend!!!



  1. Hey Julia,
    The Pharmacy and Local Taco are definitely two of my faves! We should double date one night, we'd love to see y'all and catch up!

    1. Hi Karen - we would love to do a double date! It's been way too long since we've seen y'all!!


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