
Wednesday, April 18, 2012's a secret

Please don't laugh at me...I'm about to share a deep dark secret. 

This is our living room and dining room.  I know pathetic!  These rooms have definitely been neglected since we moved in two years ago.  But please keep in mine that this is our first home and we had a small two bedroom town home before this.  Now we have a four bedroom home with two living and dining areas...a big upgrade from our old place.  The kitchen and den looked great but we just haven't figured out what to do with these rooms yet.  Also,  there is a chance that we will be moving in a year for my husband's job so I've been putting off decorating this room until we find out whether or not we are staying in Nashville.  December 5, 2012 is the big date...we find out where were going for fellowship!

Don't you love the plaid sofas! 
Instead of leaving this room empty we decided to put our old furniture in it.  When we got our dog, Lilly, 3 years ago she decided to eat the sofas while she was teething. So he sofas are in pretty rough shape. 


Here are my inspirations for the living room:

Here are my inspirations for the dining room:

As soon we find out we are staying here (fingers crossed) the decorating will begin!!

Do you have a room in your house that your embarrassed about?



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