
Monday, August 8, 2011

Baby Blanket

One of my favorite past times is sewing - I find it very relaxing.  My grandmother taught me how to sew at a young age.  I can remember working on a different sewing project with her every summer as a child. One project in particular that I have fond memories of is a pink pilllow I made that looks like a cat. As a child I can't say I really enjoyed sewing but now I am so grateful that she taught me because I get to make things for my friends and family.

Here's a baby blanket I made for my nephew a few months ago:

   I used 4 different cotton prints for the front of the blanket and a fleece for the backside. Then I used one of the prints for a border around the entire blanket.

Here's a baby wipe case and diaper holder I also created using the same fabric:

Hope this inspires you to create something amazing!

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